Sunshine Blogger Award Interview – number 2!

It was a pleasure to be nominated again for a ‘SUNSHINE BLOGGER AWARD’ and answering questions so that you my readers, can get to know me more as the person behind the keyboard. I have been nominated for my second ‘Sunshine Blogger Award’ by Mishi pcm – “THANKS FOR THE NOMINATION!” Now for my interview…

Her questions for me to answer in this post are:

  1. What made you start blogging?
  2. What is your current favorite song?
  3. Who do you look up to the most?
  4. If you had the ability to time travel what year would it be, and why?
  5. What is your favorite animal?
  6. What is your favorite food?
  7. What is your hobby?
  8. What is your biggest dream?
  9. If you could spend one whole day with your favorite singer who would it be?
  10. What is your favorite topic to blog about?
  11. What are you most thankful for?

Interviewing Helen’s Journey Blog writer, to get to know the woman behind the keyboard more…

1. One of my reasons for wanting to set up a blog was the freedom to choose and write about real issues that I face without a limit on expressing my own personal opinions, in order to report in an unbiased way. I use writing to express myself & share my life stories. I wrote a blog post all about my ‘why’ for blogging, you can read it here: My ‘why’ for blogging – The powerful tool that is the written word & how it can be used for good!

2. My current favourite song is still “This is Me” from The Greatest Showman. I know it’s not exactly the latest release, but it is just still a strong favourite for its lyrics. It is still played on the radio so I think it still counts! 😉

3. I look up to my grandparents the most, even though I now only have 1 surviving grandparent, I was blessed enough to of had a relationship with 3 surviving grandparents well into my adulthood. One Grandad was an Irish emigrant, surviving poverty caused by oppressors and moving to another country to make a better life for himself even when he wasn’t always welcomed. The other Grandad was a soldier in the British Army. My Nan who was the most recent Grandparent to die in April 2019 was a war survivor who told stories of the air raids, bomb shelters, living on rations and coming outside to see the devastation to buildings from the bombs that hit Birmingham. How could I sit and listen to such stories of bravery and not look up to them! ❤

4. If I had the ability to time travel I would go back to the year when my ex partner first started to be abusive, not because I want to experience that ever again – but so I could go back and handle it so much differently the first time it happened and never go back to him. That way all the rest that followed on wouldn’t of happened. Although I’m at peace with forgiving myself, staying with him is my biggest regret in life as I wasted so many years of my life accepting way less than I deserved!

5. My favourite animal since childhood is an elephant. I’ve never seen one in person, but there was just something about the elephants I saw on nature programmes that attracted me to them. Only as an adult as I know more about their lovely natures, i see why my spirit/soul was so attracted to them. I’d love to touch an elephant one day or see one in its natural habitat. One for the bucket list hey…

6. My favourite food by far is chocolate! Yes, to me chocolate is a food as I’ve eaten it for many meals including breakfast! heehee

7. My hobby Is going to the theatre – I just LOVE live theatre action including musicals. I am blessed to have seen so many wonderful stage shows: Les Miserables, Miss Saigon, Swan Lake Ballet, Sister Act, Blood Brothers, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Driving Miss Daisy, Shrek, Wiz, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, the list goes on…

8. My biggest dream is to be back to full health again. To live without pain and fatigue is a dream other chronic illness sufferers can relate to I’m sure. Don’t get me wrong living with chronic illness for over a decade has taught me many things in life & I will have a good life even if this dream is never a reality. However, I would be amazing not to have the same limitations. You can read about the life lessons it has taught me that are relevant to everyone in this blog post: WHAT I’VE LEARNT FROM OVER A DECADE WITH CHRONIC ILLNESS! TOP 5 LIFE LESSONS FIBROMYALGIA HAS TAUGHT ME

9. I’m not sure I have 1 specific favourite singer actually. As I’ve seen Mary J Blige three times in concert, I think I will choose her, esp as I know she has come through such trauma and turmoil in life, that she would be great for my soul to talk to.

10. My favourite topic to blog about is ENCOURAGEMENT! I suppose I blog a lot about self love, life lessons, coping mechanisms, inner peace etc because I love to encourage people, to share my story in order to help others! Here is my post: My Top Wellbeing posts for Encouragement

11. I am most thankful for my family. I have been through so much in my life and I don’t always share with my family the emotional side of things but they are always there for me. I can always go to them, I can always laugh with them, I can always be moody with them etc – even if I don’t speak to them about things they are always there without having to share words. ❤

Well there you go, a little bit more about me. For other insights into who ‘Helen’ in Helen’s Journey is, please read some more of my award interviews listed below:

Here are the questions I would like you to answer if you want to join in with this award too:

My 11 Questions:

  1. What is the inspiration behind your blog name?
  2. Easter has just gone by – which Easter Egg represents your blog and why?
  3. Out of interest have you heard of Fibromyalgia before, the chronic illness I have? (if not please read my blog: All about Fibromyalgia.)
  4. Only out of all the places you have already travelled to, which place would you recommend the most and why?
  5. Why did you start your blog?
  6. Is the reason why you started blogging, still the reason you continue to blog? If not, what is the difference now?
  7. What is your favourite quote? share it and explain why.
  8. If each blog required a famous Mascot, who would you choose?
  9. What series are you enjoying the most right now?
  10. What one piece of advice would you give for blog promotion?
  11. Name one blog/blogger you would recommend to everyone?

The Sunshine Blogger Award RULES:

  • 1. Thank blogger(s) who nominated you for the award and link back to their blog.
  • 2. Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.
  • 3. Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions
  • 4. List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.


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Why not come & follow my blogging footsteps on other Social Media Platforms(click on names to take you to the different media profiles):

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Facebook: Fibromyalgia Awareness & Chronic Illness Support Group


Blog: Twitter: @helens_journey Instagram: @helens_journey Google+ Pinterest: Bloglovin:

27 thoughts on “Sunshine Blogger Award Interview – number 2!

  1. Congrats o the well-deserved award (again)! Loved reading your answers, and a beautiful tribute to your grandparents. ♥
    Chocolate should be known as a staple food, I could live off that too, good choice! 😉 And I’ll join you with the dream on getting back to full health, even though it’s less likely than winning the lottery! You do encouragement posts very well, and you should be hugely proud of everything you’re achieving with your blog!
    And thank you so much for the kind nomination 🌷
    Caz xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Chocolate always saves the day no matter what time of day it is! Also Mary J. is awesome and has been through a lot and to see her make it out with her head held high is very inspiring.

      Erica Raquel

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes Erica, Mary J lyrics just speak to my soul! Hence me loving her so much to pay to go see her 3 times, it wasn’t cheap but was defo worth it!! Lol *insert Mary J Blige side stepping*


  2. Congratulations on the nomination! Very well deserved 🌟. You have asked some great questions and nominated some bloggers I haven’t heard of, so it’s great to learn about other bloggers too. Encouragement and helpful blog posts are great to read! Thank you for sharing Helen ❤️Xxx


    1. Thank you Lauren ❤
      Yes, I tried to choose a range of people to nominate as I think these type of awards are great exposure for people discovering new bloggers to check out. As well as just a fun insight into the recipient too. Glad you enjoyed the read xxx

      Liked by 1 person

  3. congratulations on being nominated for the sunshine award 💕. chocolate is my favorite also . i would eat it all day if It was in my diet

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Congratulations on your nomination. Remember that your past always shapes what you are now, and even if it’s a little tough now, you might not be as motivated or as strong if it hadn’t happened.
    Ps your pic of your grandparents is so sweet. They looked so happy! 🙂


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Georgia. Yes you are right good advice. I know I can’t go back & erase it so I have definitely learnt the lessons from it instead for the present and the future 🙌
      Ahh thanks they were such fun grandparents, they defo brought lots of laughs and jokes to the family too. 💞🙏


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