Interviewing the Blogger Helen’s Journey: 12 questions other bloggers wanted to ask!

This interview is a great way to get to know me as the person behind the words in my blog posts and get a deeper knowledge of who I am personally, as well as a blogger. Here goes…

In this interview I answer 12 questions other bloggers chose to ask me when they nominated me for a Mystery Blogger Award. They are almost like questions you’d ask on a date to get to know someone in a light hearted way. Here are the questions:

  1. If you had to choose between being a cat, dog or bird which would you choose and why?
  2. Pick an object that in some ways resembles you.
  3. What is one of your favourite hobbies or things to do?
  4. Where is your favourite place to be?
  5. What City/Country would you most like to live in?
  6. If you could be any animal what would it be?
  7. What inspired you to start your blog?
  8. One piece of life advice you can offer.
  9. What are you most looking forward to in the next 10 years?
  10. Tell us about a time you made a good decision and why?
  11. How would you spend your day if you were invisible?
  12. If you didn’t have to sleep; What would you do with the extra time?

β€œI enjoy receiving these awards as it gives me a chance to open up and let my readers see more of the person I am away from my keypad.”

– Helen’s Journey

Interviewing the Blogger Helen’s Journey

Q1: If you had to choose between being a cat, dog or bird which would you choose and why?

It has to be a bird because it’s the only one out of the three that has the ability to fly as well as walk on the round! I mean I enjoy looking out the window when I’m on an aeroplane, so I know I’d love being a bird flying through the clouds and being mesmerised by a birds-eye view of the world below. Plus when the bad weather starts you can fly abroad to warmer climates with no passport required and without spending any money! WINNER!

Q2: Pick an object that in some ways resembles you.

I think I’d pick an onion. Simply because like an onion I have many layers to me. Kind, generous and thoughtful, but do not take my kindness for weakness as I have learnt the hard way the need to cut off toxic relationships when needed and will do so to protect my peace at all costs. Plus, I have the ability to make you cry – mostly happy tears but I suppose like anyone when they have to show you that you hurt them or they are disappointed in you – maybe sad tears too. Like an onion – It all depends on the way you cut me, hold me, peel me, store me, handle me, etc. πŸ˜‰

Q3: What is one of your favourite hobbies or things to do?

One of my favourite hobbies or activity to do is going to the theatre. I just LOVE live theatre action including stage shows, musicals, dance shows, spoken word nights, etc, I have even been to an Opera (not that I understood much of what was going on lol)! I am very blessed to have seen so many wonderful live stage shows: Les Miserables, Miss Saigon, Swan Lake Ballet, The King and I, Sister Act, Blood Brothers, Midsummer’s Nights Dream, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Driving Miss Daisy, Wiz, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, Joseph and his Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat, Dirty Dancing, Madagascar and Shrek The Musical (see image below). The list probably goes on and I will continue to add to the list also, as so far coming up in 2020 I have tickets that I got as a Christmas Pressie, to go and see the musical Momma Mia.

Q4: Where is your favourite place to be?

In or by the water! A pool or the sea on a beach (but if the waters cold it has to be in a hot place). I think I’d actually be a mermaid if I could. Just like many people go to the gym as part of their everyday life, I do hydrotherapy weekly in the hot pool as part of my every day living care plan for living the best life possible for my body while dealing with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue. So when you see my Instagram picture of me living my best life posing away, know some hard work and sweat in the hydro pool has gone on behind the scenes! lol. Here is a picture of the perfect bedroom that I’d love:

Q5: What City/Country would you most like to live in?

For me it would just have to be somewhere hot and sunny. I’m blessed as I have spent time in the past living in Florida for a few months of the year, this was so good for me health wise, not only because of the sun, heat, pool and hot tub – but for the chilled out, relaxed vibe there is there too. That’s probably why I enjoyed my visit to the Bahamas too, for its friendly, chilled vibe and laid back style. So it is no surprise that visiting the Caribbean area of the world more, is on my bucket list. As Bob Marley sang himself “Don’t Worry. Be Happy!”

Q6: If you could be any animal what would it be?

An elephant. Growing up they were my favourite animal as they were so large, yet so kind. I also remember loving the way they walked in a line with the small ones at the back or being protected. (I watched loads of nature programmes with my Dad growing up.) Only as an adult, as I know more about their lovely natures, I see why my spirit/soul was so attracted to them from such a young age. So, it’s only right I choose to be an elephant and called Ellie of course! πŸ˜‰

Q7: What inspired you to start your blog?

I started blogging in October 2017. I actually have a blog post all about this: Sharing the story of starting my blog! here is an excerpt:

At that time, I had just got out of a long-term toxic relationship. I was starting over, breaking free, healing and working my way through the fog to rediscover who I was before heartbreaking life experiences and abuse distorted me. So it was fitting that once again (like when I was growing up) writing became my way of expressing myself and talking about the lessons that life had thrown at me and sharing my life’s journey with you all.

For more insight into me using writing as therapy, I encourage you to read the following two posts of mine:

  1. My β€˜Why’ for Blogging – The powerful tool that is the written word & how it can be used for good!
  2. Using CREATIVE WRITING / POETRY / PROSE & SONG LYRICS, to express yourself & your inner emotions towards different experiences in life!

Q8: One piece of life advice you can offer

As mentioned above I stayed in an abusive, toxic relationship for far too long. When you see red flags take heed of their warning, as it can save you so much hurt and wasted time in the long run. Now, I could meet the most sexy guy ever, but if I start seeing red flags for those warnings of certain behaviours, dangerous personality traits or an incompatible character to my own – believe me I will be taking notice.

Nothing or no one is worth loosing my peace and forgetting my crown for ever again! If this means you stay single for long periods of time till you meet someone who ticks the boxes, then so be it in my opinion and why I have stayed single. The next guy that I get with should feel like a king because that’s the only applicants I am accepting! heehee. I wrote all about this in my blog post: How to work on self-worth & find self-value after life has knocked you down. A reminder to straighten & strengthen your crown. (click blog title to open in another tab to give it a read – it is a very empowering one!)

Q9: What are you most looking forward to in the next 10 years?

Well I cant talk about meeting a King and not say I’m most looking forward to hopefully meeting the man for me, getting married and having children… ❀ However, I will continue with living my best life regardless if this happens or not; enjoying time with family and friends, enjoying my create work journey, travelling, new life experiences, adventures, posing for pictures and of course blogging! I’d like to build on my experience doing voiceover work too and see where that leads too, especially because audiobooks and podcasts are so popular now.

Q10: Tell us about a time you made a good decision and why?

I think one of the wisest decisions I made was staying single to give myself time to heal after my past relationship. I am now in such a healthy place for if/when a new relationship comes around, that I wouldn’t of been in if I had rushed into a new relationship straight away. I’m so thankful that I decided to dedicate that time to myself, to heal the hurts, time for my personal growth, to love myself again. To re-balance, readjust, re-aline myself. To find my peace once again and learn how to not accept anything or anyone that threatens it.

‘Self’ is such a powerful thing when we give it what it needs in order to be the truest form of itself. I renamed this time in my life ‘When Helen Got her Groove Back’ if you have watched the film ‘When Stella Got Her Groove Back’ you’ll know it means I was on my ‘glow up’. Click to give this a read if you need the reminder: ‘Self Care Isn’t Selfish!” Understanding the importance of looking after ourselves.’ (click blog title to open in another tab to give it a read.)

Q11: How would you spend your day if you were invisible?

I’d probably go into 10 downing to see what really happens and what is really said behind those closed doors! I know I’d hear things that would make me want to wash their mouths out with a bar of soap like my Mom used to do to me when we swore or said bad things when we were growing up! I’d need soap on bulk order that day. Talking of, have you read my blog post:  HAND CARE the NATURAL WAY! Looking after your hands by washing them the chemical free way! Natural handwash product reviews (click on blog title to open it in another window to give it a read.)

Q12: If you didn’t have to sleep; What would you do with the extra time?

I would write more! Cliche answer for a blogger I know, but because it actually takes a lot out of me, not only physically but emotionally too, as I do write a lot of open and honest life lessons in my posts. If you’ve checked out ‘My Poetry’ section from the blog menu you would know I write my own poetry as well. I would love to spend more time expanding on my poetry collection writing new poems, as well as typing up all the many poems I have scribbled on paper! The life of living with a creative mind hey, ink on your hands and loads of paper piles! πŸ˜‰

Still want to know more about the lady behind Helen’s Journey words?

Then why not read more interviews asking me more personal questions about my personal life as well as being a blogger, by clicking on the blog titles below to read me answering a variety of interview questions: (click on each award to open blog post in a new tab)

What is The Mystery Blogger Award?

β€œWhat is the Mystery Blogger Award?” some of you may be asking. Well the creator of this award Okoto Enigma has written a blog β€œMy Greatest Creation Yet: The Mystery Blogger Award” all about it and here is her explanation of the award, which makes it very humbling to of been nominated for it numerous times:

β€œβ€™Mystery Blogger Award’ is an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging; and they do it with so much love and passion.”

– Okoto Enigma

Thank you to these bloggers for nominating me for ‘The Mystery Blogger Award’: A over at Positive Changes Journey / Rachel Sara over at Trail By Fashion / Jessica over at Off To The World / Tanya over at ‘The Phat Girl Blog

Pay-it-forward by nominating other bloggers for blogger awards:

Right, now it is my turn to do the nominating! Below are the people I would like to nominate for ‘The Mystery blogger Award’. Then I will include the 5 questions I want them to answer and list the rules to follow when writing your own reply post (there is no time limit on you writing your reply post once you are nominated, hence me taking longer and letting all these nominations pile up – oups!) Anyone who participates, don’t forget to tag me and this blog post in your response posts so I can see your replies.

My Nominees:

My 5 Questions for you to answer (plus feel free to answer any of the questions I have answered in this post too):

  1. What book would you recommend I read and why?
  2. What have you learnt about blogging that you would want to share with other bloggers or aspiring bloggers?
  3. Which is your favourite blog post or poem of mine and why?
  4. If you could change one thing in the world what would it be and why?
  5. If you had to choose one place you have been to, to recommend others to visit – where would it be and why? (This doesn’t need to be abroad, it could in your local area or anything.)

The Mystery Blogger Award Rules

1. Put the award logo/image on your blog.

2. List the rules.
3. Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog. (link to this post)
4. Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well.
5. Tell your readers 3 things about yourself.
6. Answer the questions you were asked.
7. Nominate 10-20 people & notify.
8. Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice; with one weird or funny question (specify).
9. Share a link to your best post(s).

Let me sign off by saying ‘THANK YOU’ to everyone who has nominated me for various blogger awards in the past – no matter how quickly or slowly I write my answers, please know they are appreciated! 

– Helen

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7 thoughts on “Interviewing the Blogger Helen’s Journey: 12 questions other bloggers wanted to ask!

  1. Congrats on another well-deserved nomination! I always love seeing you & your photos, and that ‘The Bird’ tee is awesome πŸ˜‚ Fantastic advice and such a sobering thought on abusive, toxic relationships. I’m glad you got out and can appreciate the red flags, with confidence to do what’s right for you in relationships. It can’t have been easy. Keep that crown nicely perched on your head, Helen. Thanks for the very kind nomination too!
    Stay safe & as well as possible Β β™₯
    Caz xx


    1. Thank you Caz, as always. Defo hard lessons to learn and process, but wisdom I will always hold on to now for the future. I loved nominating you as you always support me in my blogging and I really find your feedback in comments always so encouraging. I look forward to reading your own interview answers too… Helen.Stay safe x


  2. ugh I absolutely love posts like this. Getting to know the person on the other side of the screen I feel makes the rest of their blog posts better; it just feels more personal yanno? I truly wish I got nominated for these more often, it seems like a really fun post to create.
    Looking forward to getting to know you and all bloggers better while also doing my part to support others in my community. You know what they say, #communityovercompetition!
    Great post, xo Bri

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Bri, so glad you enjoyed the post and getting to know me better. As you say, it can make you understand my blog posts on a different level now.
      I have edited the post and now nominated you too for this award. I hope you really enjoy taking part and I look forward to reading your answers.
      I love that hashtag!! ❀

      Liked by 1 person

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