All about blogging! Interviewing Helen’s Journey Blogger

So Helen’s Journey Blog has only gone and won another blogger award! *cue happy dance* which means another opportunity to find out more about me as I am interviewed for this award.

In this interview I am asked:

  1. Β Why did you start your blog?
  2. Β What inspired your blog name?
  3. Β Who is your blog aimed at?
  4. What do you most enjoy about blogging?
  5. What would you like to change about blogging?
  6. Do you blog full time or balance alongside other things?
  7. Β What tips would you give your fellow bloggers?
  8. Do you actually put pen to paper to write your blogs or work on a computer/laptop etc?
  9. What inspires your blog and how do you come up with new content?
  10. What is your dream job?

All about blogging!

Interviewing the blogger Helen’s Journey

1. Why did you start your blog?

I started blogging the 7th October 2017 so by now my fingers are numb from typingΒ  πŸ˜‰ *Disclaimer: Joking, no fingers were hurt making this blog*

It all began when I started to share on my personal social media about changing things in my everyday life to be more natural; such as changing to organic food, reducing my plastic use, buying reusable items, changing to natural products around my home and for beauty, etc. My friends showed lots of interest and many asked me to keep them posted on my steps going forward, for going down the more natural lifestyle route. That is why I have the section ‘GREEN LIFE & NATURAL PRODUCTS’ on the blog!

From there I thought what better way to keep everyone informed than writing a blog to share my journey… and so β€˜Helen’s Journey’ was dreamt into being and here it is! Click to read more about how my blog came about: “WELCOME TO HELEN’S JOURNEY – HERE IS WHERE IT ALLΒ BEGAN…”

However, as well as being a green living blog, it is also a wellness and positivity blog too. As I write about life lessons (esp from living with chronic illness), mental health, wellness, self-care, etc. I really use the written word as a tool to express emotions, feeling and talk about life experiences I can share from. You can read moreΒ about my writing journey in these blog posts:

2. What inspired your blog name?

Life has been one crazy rollercoaster journey for me. I’ve had health issues since I was diagnosed with IBS at 17, which later at 21 turned more serious in the form of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome & at 23 Fibromyalgia. ManyΒ  years have passed & I’ve collected an extra list of other conditions & life events that have happened along the way too.

HOWEVER, my mental journey & spiritual journey esp this past few years following a more natural route has been enlightening! I just wanted to share it with the world & encourage others to change things for themselves, try new things, learn new things and enjoy the ride of life’s journey!

3. Who is your blog aimed at?

Anyone who is into wellness & positivity – I even throw in a few poems along the way! πŸ˜‰ Along with wanting to know more about my discoveries of a “more natural route in life for MIND, BODY, SOUL and SPIRIT!” andΒ replacing things in my everyday life in search of a more natural approach to my lifestyle, diet, beauty regime, health and mental health.

I also write openly about my health struggles with chronic illnesses, but you don’t have to be a fellow sufferer to read about that! That’s the whole point of awareness, thatΒ it is reaching people who don’t know for themselves the struggles and hardships of chronic pain and can get an understanding from your openness.

I don’t have a specific audience age group, it really is open aged – I have comments from a 16 yearΒ old and from the other end of the scale, a retired ‘elder’. It isn’t gender specific either, even though I seem to get more female readers commenting on posts, I still have male followers.

4. What do you most enjoy about blogging?

Getting feedback off people and knowing my words have inspired, challenged, touched, encouraged and comforted people – is just AMAZING! It makes all the hard work and time put into it all worth it! To hear people say they changed from a chemical product because of my blog and now their eczema has cleared up is heart warming and so encouraging!

5. What would you like to change about blogging?

I am still learning about SEO, affiliate marketing, legal disclaimers and all those buzz words I’m not fully up to speed on. YET… πŸ˜‰

6. Do you blog full-time or balance it alongside another career?

I balance blogging with everything else in life – it’s been hard work, you have to put a lot into it; time, effort, tiredness, pushing through the pain, etc. Yet its been worth it!

7. What tips would you give to your fellow bloggers?

I have written a few blog posts with lots of advice for other bloggers, all found under the blog menu heading ‘BLOGGER LIFE’ but here are a few top ones to read:

I would say, to embrace the arms of the blogging world, which to be honest I had no idea even existed. I started blogging and doing social media for my blog and I suddenly found myself sucked in full force into a big fraternity of bloggers supporting bloggers & it’s been FAB! I’ve chatted, congratulated, been congratulated and really been encouraged by the support from a collective of fellow friendly bloggers (esp on my Twitter!)

HOWEVERRRRRRRRR I was also sucked into the crazy game of follow/unfollow. What kind of foolishness is it that people have got time out of their day for that! That your life is about your amount of followers so badly you put your energy into playing cat and mouse getting the follow, then pounce with the unfollow when they get your follow back off me. SEE even my explanation of it is confusing because it is so twisted and backwards. Sorry, I think it’s clear I’m not into that AT ALL!! The β€˜unfollower’ app I downloaded became my best friend in regaining control & power over my accounts. Β *and breathe!*

8. Do you actually put pen to paper to write your blogs or work on a computer/laptop etc?

I work on a laptop or tablet to write my blogs. However, I do have a notebook that I write down ideas in when they come to mind so I don’t forget them. I’m old school in that I love grabbing a pen and just letting my hand flow away writing without having to think about it. However, after 3 years at university, you get well-practised at typing also, so I can flow the new school way on a keyboard too. Balance.

9. What inspires your blogs/how do you come up with new content?

I don’t plan blogs ahead of time and I don’t use a blog planner. Will I get thrown out of the blogging cool gang now?Β I literally sit down and start writing and it all just flows out of me. Other times I see something that inspires me to write about it (such as washing my hands in the bathroom using my natural hand wash – I looked at it & thought I need to blog about you! So I did: “HAND CARE THE NATURAL WAY! LOOKING AFTER YOUR HANDS BY WASHING THEM THE NON-CHEMICALΒ WAY!” (click to read it in a new tab)

Yet my blog “MAKING FRIENDS WITH GRIEF” was written on the anniversary of my Grandad’s death and I ended up writing a poem for him – so even though the poem was spontaneous the blog itself was structured around a specific date/event. So the calendar can influence what I write about too.

10. What is your dream job?

If money and health were not an obstacle I’d love to design, open and run my own “Wellness Centre”. Here, as the big boss lady, I’d house all the different natural treatments that have helped me become healthier, run workshops on coping techniques for chronic illness, have professionals to teach knowledge on nutrition, mindfulness, stretching & exercise, supplements, holistic treatments etc. It really takes a multidisciplinary approach to ‘manage’ the condition Fibromyalgia and other chronic illness under the same umbrella medically.

Instead, I run an online support group instead that has over 750 worldwide members! Both chronic illness sufferers and their loved ones too. Click HERE to go to HELEN’S FIBROMYALGIA AWARENESS & CHRONIC ILLNESS SUPPORT GROUP on Facebook.

Join in the conversation in our facebook group. search - HELEN'S FIBROMYALGIA AWARENESS & CHRONIC ILLNESS SUPPORT GROUP
Join in the conversation in our Facebook group. search – HELEN’S FIBROMYALGIA AWARENESS & CHRONIC ILLNESS SUPPORT GROUP



Then why not read my other award nomination blogs where I’m asked more questions & have to list 3 things about myself to share with readersΒ (click on each award to open blog post in a new tab):

ENJOY READING HELEN’S JOURNEY POSTS AND POEMS? Then Please click here to join my Email Mailing List so you don’t miss out when new stuff is posted!

Follow on Social Media! Why not come & follow my blogging footsteps on other Social Media Platforms (click on names to take you to the different media profiles):

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Facebook: Fibromyalgia Awareness & Chronic Illness Support Group

helens journey blog wins sunshine blogger award. Award logo & invite to read interview answers

What is ‘The Sunshine Blogger Award’?

I had the pleasure of getting my first Sunshine blogger Award nomination from fellow blogger “LtalksLife”Β – yes her first name begins with L and she blogs about all things life!Β “THANKS FOR THE NOMINATION!”


I’m not only nominating people for their support but also some bloggers whom I’ve only just connected with but whom I’d like to know more about through asking them my 11 questions:


  1. Where in the world are you based and have you ever met up in person with any fellow bloggers in your local area?
  2. If blogs had to have a theme tune that played every time people came onto your website – which song would you choose?
  3. Why did you choose the specific niche you write about for your blog?
  4. Tell us about the best photograph you have taken, that is featured in one of your blogs (include a copy of the photo in your answer).
  5. I turn 35 in September and I’m planning on a getaway holiday with a group of friends to celebrate, somewhere with no more than a few hours flight from England, some September sun & cool places/buildings etc to see – where would you recommend and why?
  6. Which social media app do you get most blog traffic through and what makes it work so well for you?
  7. How long have you been blogging and have you ever taken time out away from blogging during that time?
  8. If you had to choose a smoothie recipe to represent your blog what would it be?
  9. Have you ever heard of Fibromyalgia other than from me/my blog/my social media?
  10. What piece of advice would you give bloggers for creating images and for taking photos / flatlays / blog feature images etc?
  11. Do you make money off blogging? If so how?



Blog: Twitter: @helens_journey Instagram: @helens_journey Google+ Pinterest: Bloglovin:

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