HAND CARE the NATURAL WAY! Looking after your hands by washing them the non-chemical way! Natural Hand Wash product reviews.

When it came to replacing products around my house from the ‘normal’ chemical-based products to natural chemical-free products, one of the first things I swapped was my bathroom hand wash! So I had to write a post about the different natural handwashes I have tried and to encourage you to make the swap too!

Now, I’m the type of person who uses tissue in my hand to open the bathroom door in public toilets, that annoying person who reaches into her bag for her (chemical-free) hand sanitizer after shopping, in restaurants or after using public toilets even though I’d just washed my hands. Yes, that person – and I know everyone reading this knows someone in life who is exactly the same!

I thought I was being health conscious in doing this, but in reality, I was reducing germs on my hands but covering them in chemicals. I know now that isn’t healthier at all! Let me talk you through changing to a natural handwash and a few of my favourite ones I have tried so far.

looking after your hands the natural way by Helen's Journey
We carry most germs on our hands, so why cover them in harmful chemicals when we can cover them in natures goodness instead?

I love matching colours when it comes to not only clothes & accessories but also room decor and accessories. So as you can imagine, I chose hand wash dependant on colour to match my bathroom walls (I’m sure you all know a ‘matcher’ in life too!) so I used to buy handwash that was blue and turquoises. Yet, I think it was seeing this bright blue hand wash through different eyes, that made this one of the first products I replaced with a natural alternative.

Did you know that on average women add more than 200 chemicals to their skin daily?

More than 60% of these chemicals get absorbed directly into the bloodstream and can build up in our cells and organs. That to me is a scary thought esp as so many of these chemicals are now linked to cancer and other illnesses and bad symptoms. I already have enough chronic health issues, so I made the decision to change to natural products.

Product reviews of natural hand wash. Looking after your hands the chemical-free way by

HAND CARE the NATURAL way – Why we should change to a chemical-free hand wash:

Once I had more education on this ‘Toxic Overload’ (that’s for another blog) our bodies experience because of all the chemicals used in our day-to-day products, I started to look at all the products around my house differently, as if through new eyes or suddenly using glasses that make everything seems so much clearer.

Going into the bathroom and looking at this bright blue hand wash just made me think of some toxic thing in a movie that the baddies want to use, or Slimer out of Ghostbusters or something! 😉 It actually made me feel dirtier using the chemical hand wash, so I knew that needed to go straight away!

With no time to waste, I jumped on the internet and started searching for ‘natural hand soaps‘. Just like with my blog on “STRAW SWAPPING THE ECO-FRIENDLY WAY” you’d be surprised just how many options for natural replacements there are.

In the end, I brought from a British company ‘FAITH IN NATURE’ (click on the name to go to their website) and ordered off their website. I’ve since discovered it is sold in Oxfam shop’s too & they have half-price sales on the range twice a year. I chose their coconut hand wash pictured below:

faith in nature coconut natural hand wash review by Helen's Journey
Faith in Nature Coconut Hand Wash Review by Helen’s Journey

PRODUCT: Coconut Hand Wash – Cruelty Free / Vegan / Paraben Free (synthetic preservatives linked to increasing growth in Breast Cancer) / SLS Free (Sodium Lauryl Sulphate which is a skin irritant & linked to hormone imbalances & other detrimental health issues)

PRICE: It cost me £4.19 for 300ml (twice the price & for less ml than my previous chemical hand wash – but It has somehow lasted longer than my old ones!)

APPEARANCE: In the image above you will see the hand soap bottle is tall & slim, rather than short and broad like my old chemical one and so takes up less room on my sink.

INGREDIENTS: All natural ingredients including Organic Coconut Oil & natural fragrances.

DESIGN: I like that the picture of close up coconuts represents its natural ingredients from their natural habitat. However, I feel the label on the bottle could be brighter & more appealing with a tropical pattern or palm trees etc with the coconuts that would still do this. Alternatively, customers could get to choose between this design and a more colourful one, to suit both subtle and flamboyant tastes.

REVIEW: I love it for its creamy texture and the smell it leaves on your hands afterwards that is subtle and in no way over powering.  Looking at it and seeing the cream colour instead of luminous blue makes me have more confidence in its ingredients and the effect it has on my skin/body when using it.

For all of these reasons I’d give it 5/5 for design & ability to do its job, but only 3/5 for appearance as I feel the label on the bottle could be less dull.

Natural Handwash Products:

I’d urge you to make this easy change which actually is a big change for your body as look at how many times a day you wash your hands… it all adds up & the chemicals build up inside up! I stopped going for the cheapest option and went for what I view as the healthiest option. There are also many other makes of natural handwash out there:

HAND CARE the NATURAL WAY! Looking after your hands by washing them the non-chemical way. Natural hand wash reviews at

HAND CARE the NATURAL WAY! Looking after your hands by washing them the non-chemical way! natural handwash reviews at

HAND CARE the NATURAL WAY! Looking after your hands by washing them the non-chemical way! ecover handwash. review at

For advice on other small changes you could make for an overall big change, please click below to read my other blogs on the subject of chemicals used in plastic products and natural alternatives:


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hand care the natural way. chemical free hand wash review by Helen's Journey
Your health is in your hands!


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27 thoughts on “HAND CARE the NATURAL WAY! Looking after your hands by washing them the non-chemical way! Natural Hand Wash product reviews.

  1. Thanks for this info, Helen! I agree that the label could use a little tweaking, but thumbs up for their use of all natural ingredients. I don’t use the hand sanitizers any more, unless I’m in dire straits.. instead, I’ve opted for bars of soap that are all natural, simply wrapped and branded. I’m also with you on all the chem-crap that seeps into our pores, so I dumped makeup, creams etc a long time ago.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thats great good for you! I use a natural hand sanitizer I’m going to blog on in the future, along with the natural beauty products I use. There are lots of options out there once you start looking & more places using plastic alternatives in their wrapping too. Well cheers to us & our chem free hands 😉💕

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hey sister! After using your hand wash I started buying Faith in Nature hand wash a few months ago and the eczema on my hands has completely gone!!!! I use the grapefruit and orange one with organic citrus oil, I love the smell, and yes it matches my bathroom colour scheme!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Whoop whoop! Yes I loved that Luke enjoyed using my ‘special’ handwash & he was so excited to tell me you now have the same one but a fruity one 💕👏👏
      As for the eczema being gone ~ that is brilliant! Just goes to show you the harsh effect chemicals have on our skin, esp with parabens in as they are a skin irritant!
      So glad I converted you lol 😉


    1. Thats a great way to choose a new 1 depending on mood 👌👌 The range I got have so many different fruity ones I am going to experiment next… lol. Would you consider using a natural hand wash is you dont already? (Just out of interest 😊)

      Liked by 1 person

        1. The coconut 1 hardly smells really, its very subtle so spyoud prob get on better with this one than the rest of their collection as its stronger scents such as ornage, pomegranate, lavendar, grapefruit, etc.

          If you’re in England Holland & Barrett stock faith in nature so you can go & smell them for yourself (they are in the buy 1 get 1 for 1p sale atm too) & stock other handwash makes such as Dr Organics.

          Other natural brands to look at that do handwashes are Dr Bonners, recover, earth kitchen, green people, naturally thinking, method…

          Once you start looking there really is a lot of choice out there now, so you can choose a scent to suit you the best. Hope that helps ~ keep me posted which 1 you choose 😊👌

          Liked by 1 person

            1. I totally get what you mean! Lol. Just like my old blue handsoap looking so fake 😉 Yes there really is a lot of choice! Check Faith in Nature website as they may still deliver to Malta & you can enjoy the coconut handwqsh and they also do coconut shower gel, shampoo & conditioner! Coconut heaven 😍

              Liked by 1 person

  3. Have you considered just buying a pretty handsome dispenser that is the color and shape you desire, then filling it with your favorite hand soap? Dr. Bonners is a long time company that makes a large variety of liquid soaps. Also, you can purchase natural hand sanitizers. I have a lemon one that has no toxic products in it. I rarely use it but love having it available.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hiya, thanks for the comment!
      I have a natural hand sanitizer too, its great isnt it knowing you have the option there & its all natural 😍
      I also use Dr Bonners but mostly as a body wash in shower & for household cleaning. I have the different scents for different uses (the citrus lemon is lovely for cleaning)

      = but thats all for other blogs so I dont end up writing essays, as we really could just keep on going with the variety of natural options now a days. Lol.

      Thanks for the buying my own dispenser idea, I feel this will be my next step on the hand wash journey for me 😉😉👌


      1. I meant to type hand soap dispenser, not handsome 🙂 I read about the Dr. Bonners company, and it is really a conscientious company.

        I live the Biokleen products. I use the mother base all purpose cleaner for spot removal on clothes. It dilutes so well, it lady’s a long time. I like their dish soap, too.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. The amount of chemicals in products is out right scary! I switched to a paraben free shampoo recently – must remember to stock up so I don’t use any of the cheap shit sat in my bathroom cabinet 😋 great post x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Right, it really is scary! And to think it stores inside our bodies too YUK! ⚠️
      My hair is so much healthier now i use fully natural shampoo & conditioner 😍 so glad I made the switch!
      Maybe do what I did & gather all your chemical products up and give them away so they arent in the house for you to use ~ worked great for me! 😉


  5. Great article Helen! Thank you for sharing it on the Pinterest board too 🙂 I’ve shared this to Twitter because I love that you are bringing awareness to just how many chemicals we put on our skin! Like you, I began to really think of how I was absorbing every bit of this directly into my bloodstream. It is a very scary thought indeed!

    I wasn’t familiar with these options but you’ve made them sound very interesting! I’ll be sure to have a look 🙂 Thanks Helen. I hope you are well this day. Blessed November to you ♥

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Holly, thanks so much for the shares & adding me to the Pinterest Board too (lots to add but wanted to space out my posts so don’t overload you all at once lol).
      Yes it really is scary just how much chemicals go through the skin, so glad I made the switch to natural products. Looking forward to sharing natural finds with each other…
      have a blessed November too lovely x


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